Indiecam InstantRAW-Player (indieIRP)
The highest image quality is obtained by using our unique
Instant-RAW workflow that delivers stunning 12 Bit cinema
images. Using standard uncompressed recording techno-
logy, the RAW images are captured to a standard SSD in
Quicktime format.
Today, we are introducing a new software player for instant
on-set review of these Quicktime files containing RAW footage.
You can now play back these files in realtime directly
from the SSDs or your backup media in full colour and with
adjustable image properties (gamma, etc.), framerate, and
full play, pause, ffw/rew, and frame-by-frame controls.
This software will speed up and benefit the work of all
DOPs, ACs, DITs, and of course directors and producers,
who need an instant review of the RAW footage shot just
a minute before.

Read more about Instant RAW Workflow…